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The air was warm, far warmer than he would expect on a January night. The room was black, with only the dim glow from an outside light coming in the window. He could see the curtains swaying in the slight breeze, the air felt heavy like the humid air of a summer night. His mind was reeling; where was he? The last thing he remembered was that he had been in bed at his apartment, the crappy, dingy apartment that was all he could afford after his wife had tossed him out. He remembered waking up. ...if i do say so myself.....a wild tigress in bed. Happy Mother's Day, Mom." We clinked glasses, took a sip, and then started eating. Mom really liked the flowers, panties and Mother's Day card arrangement."This is so delicious," she said, already half we through her plate. "Good," I replied, staring at her cleavage being displayed quite nicely by her cheerleading outfit. Debussy's Arabesque #1 started playing when Mom began to speak. "So, what's the plan for tonight?" "Well," I replied,. His body wouldn't move. He wasfrozen in place, half standing, leaning over his phone."If you want to be Jerry, then Jerry you shall be. But not the Jerry youwould want to be. No, not at all who you would want to be."Andy's body began to tingle. He could see his right arm, the one that hadbeen reaching towards the machine. It seemed thinner now, and the hair onit was growing lighter, thinner; it was fading away. His fingers lookedslender and more graceful, and now there was a layer of pink. He finally grunted close to my ear and I felt his seed filling my womb.He moaned softly and then he withdrew his still hard dick.But my torture had not ended yet.His mate took the empty place at my back. He held me tight with his hands and I felt another thick hard cockhead; but this time it was trying to enter my very tight asshole. I started to cry; begging him for mercy.But I felt his breath close to my neck, as he pushed more and finally passed through my tight sphincter. It really was.
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